Date 06-11-2023 Time 18:00
Location 41 Gordon St, Sorell TAS 7172, Australia

AGM to review year and elect new committee

Scott Rawson, Anna Cornish, Lana Reardon, Dan Bryan, Dan Free, Darren Carter, Matt Kelly, Emma Bygraves, Robbie Iisles, Jane, Paul Allison, Paige Noy, Loren Taylor, Sam Wiggins,  Tom Stuart

Minute Taker

Anna Cornish


Scott Rawson


Paige Noy
Lana Reardon
1 Welcome
2 Finance Report
3 Presidents Report
4 Declare positions vacant
5 Nomination for positions
6 President
7 Vice President
8 Treasurer
9 Secretary
10 Public Officer
11 Patron
12 General Committee members
13 Regional Reps
14 Determine date for next committee meeting
15 Close AGM

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